4 Free tips to improve your social media

Thursday 16th April 2015

4 Free tips to improve your social media

4 Free tips on how to improve your social media

How do you turn your funny, witty or helpful content into generating leads on social media? Simple by sharing it on social media of course. Social media can be a lead generating machine if you know how to use it, and it can keep your followers engaged up until they are ready to buy.

Funny or Sharp Content

All businesses can find something to laugh about on social media. A well-placed joke or witty remark will ensure that your followers remember your name and will encourage them to repost or retweet. Remember, you are not a comedian. Your jokes should never be raunchy or potentially offensive.

FREE Content

One of the major uses of social media is sharing information with other users. As an expert in your field, you have plenty of knowledge to share with your customers, and by giving away worthwhile, free information, your followers might be more receptive to your marketing if they already trust your brand. Posting content from your blog or other relevant articles or sharing how-to videos is a great way to earn the trust from your audience.

Interesting Content

Interesting content gets people talking. Whether you are posting your favorite inspirational quote or a moving article you saw that related to your industry, your audience will at least appreciate the interest. The key to inspirational content is to think like your audience members.

Marketing Content

If you are using social media to market your products, services or company, then it makes sense that you should be promoting them through your content, right? This is partly true. Yes but no one wants a salesperson pitching a product to them every day. Be selective on when you post your product.

Hope you enjoyed your 4 free tips and remember we teach Facebook 1 to 1 to companies that want to grow their sales.
